(n.b.: the following are two alternative biog notes, each of 100 words; they are not one item) Piers Hellawell’s work has been performed around the world by artists such as LSO, Håkan Hardenberger, Philharmonia Orchestra and the Hilliard Ensemble. The Delphian CD ‘Airs, Waters’ in 2012 was hailed as "gorgeously impassioned work..... a rich kaleidoscope of inspired creativity". 2016 saw Wild Flow at the BBC Proms; Wild Flow and the trio Up By The Roots - with poet Sinéad Morrissey - appeared on second Delphian disc, ‘Up By The Roots’, listed among the 2020 Sunday Times CDs of the Year. Clare Hammond premiered Rapprochement – Concerto for Piano into Orchestra in 2023. Hellawell is published by Peters Edition. Piers Hellawell was born in England and studied at Oxford University, but was appointed when 24 to a composition post at The Queen’s University of Belfast, where, since 2002, he has been Professor of Composition. His family home is in Northern Scotland; his sixty or so published works owe their genesis to that working environment. Working away from England through his career has encouraged Hellawell’s detached attitude to centralized musical fashions; in his teaching and writing about music, as in composition, he advocates traditional training as a platform for individuality, and expresses an aversion to obvious solutions. Further information is at |